Frequently Asked Questions

Session Fees

I can offer short term or longer-term support, with a flexibility that suits, whether sessions are weekly, fortnightly or monthly. These time frames can be increased or decreased depending on the progress you are making and what you are wanting.

My fee for Individual Therapy is £60.00 - for a 50-minute session.

I have a 48 hour cancellation policy.

Other Questions

Are You Seeing Clients In Person?

I will work with you to suit your needs and so have a hybrid practice and see clients on zoom or by telephone as well as in person.

How Often Will I See You?

I typically see individual clients once per week. Seeing each other weekly allows for the work to move along at a good pace. But again we can talk about what works best for you

Do You See Couples Or Children?

At this time I do not see couples or children. I help adult individuals.

How Do I pay?

Payment is via BACS to be made before the session.

What is your cancellation policy?

48 hours or earlier with no fee. Missed or not cancelled in time limit as above then a full payment is required.

How Will I Know If You Are The Right Therapist For Me?

This is a very important question. You are dedicating time and resources and want to be sure you are picking the right person.

For consideration are logistical factors (availability, location/online preference) as well as personal factors (my training and expertise, personality, and 'the feel' you get).

I offer a free initial twenty minute conversation, (online or telephone) which should be able answer some of these questions. Being able to have a conversation enables you to truly have a feel for me and the way we can work with you.

The first couple of sessions can continue to inform your decision and we can talk about any ongoing reservations or concerns you might have.


07712 555598

Royston, Melbourn, Cambridge

Online and Telephone